Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Earth's End at Chromacon 2017 Report!

Above: Earth's End Publishing at Chromacon: from left: James Davidson, Kelly Sheehan and Adrian Kinnaird. Photo by Ant Sang.

The Earth's End Publishing team were proud to launch James Davidson's Moa at the recent Chromacon Indie Arts Festival held earlier this month at the Aotea Centre in Auckland. Our authors were in attendance, with James Davidson signing copies of Moa and sketching up a storm - including a portrait of Chopstick, the hero of Ant Sang's The Dharma Punks - and Ant Sang signing, sketching and acting as team photographer!

Above: James Davidson poses with his sketch of Chopstick from The Dharma Punks. Photo by Ant Sang.

It was great to see catch-up with so many great artists profiled at the event, and of coarse the art fans who make events like this so successful. A big thanks to everyone who came out and purchased a copy!

Moa is now available from leading bookstores, and from our website HERE.

Above: A close-up of James Davidson's sketch of Chopstick from The Dharma Punks. Photo by Ant Sang.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Earth's End at Chromacon 2017!

The Earth's End Publishing team will be featured guests at the Chromacon Arts Festival this weekend, April 8th -9th in Auckland! So what is Chromacon you ask? It is a FREE two day arts extravaganza, that celebrates the best homegrown independent creators of illustration, comics, 3D/scuplture, animation and videogames. This is your opportunity to meet these creators in person and support their work by buying directly from them: books, art prints and some much more!

Earth's End Publishing will be launching our collection of James Davidson's Moa at the event. So come down and get a signed copy from the artist himself, in Auckland for this festival only! Ant Sang will be joining us on the Saturday to sign and sketch in copies of his acclaimed graphic novel, The Dharma Punks. Editorial Director Adrian Kinnaird will also be at the booth all weekend signing copies of his seminal NZ comics anthology, From Earth's End: The Best of New Zealand Comics, and our re-release of the classic kids graphic novel, Terry Teo and the Gunrunners by Stephen Ballantyne & Bob Kerr.

There will be over 100 creators at the event, as well as a series of talks with international and local creatives at Chroma Connect (for ticket information for the Chroma Connect talks, check out the website HERE). This is a FREE event, taking place at the Aotea Centre, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of April, from 10am - 5pm. So come out of the wet and wild weather and celebrate creativity!

For more information, visit the Chromacon website HERE.

- AK!